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    Banner is a common term for web and print advertising product. Flag banners can be printed on a piece of cloth or vinyl that usually bears company logo and slogan, as well as a message notifying of a product or service and presenting reasons for choosing it. Web banners, sliders, and banner ads serve the same purpose but they advertize in Internet — on the company’s or an online ads dedicated website. They intend to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser or to a dedicated page.

    Our Banners, Sliders, Google Ads Campaigns

    Animated Web Banner

    animated web banners

    US mortgage refinance (re-mortgage) company was looking to have a package of animated ad display banners – approximately 10 banner ads of 3-4 of the most commonly used sizes for programmatic advertising. Banners designed within 6 hours.

    animated web banners

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    Google Ads Banners
    google ads banners

    A British client needed different banner sizes for Google display advertising designed in a timely manner with a call to action included. This urgent job was completed same day.

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    Website Banner
    animated web banners
    Calofornia, USA, online store needed more than 20 banners in 3 different sizes for their new website design. We designed several concepts to choose from.

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    Animated .Gif Banner
    animated gif banners

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    Web Banners For YankoDesign Marketing Campaign
    banner ads
    My client needed 2 design versions of 3 banners sizes for a marketing campaign. He provided a logo and some product pictures. I designed the banners to match his website style. The job was completed within 3 hours.

    Client feedback »

    wordpress banners

    web banners

    web banner slides

    website slides

    banner slide

    banner slides

    web banner